Wissa to investigate flow control devices, interdisciplinary teams with new NSF grants

Prof. Wissa was awarded two National Science Foundation grants for collaborative proposals. Prof. Wissa is the co-Principal investigator alongside Aerospace Engineering Assistant Professor Andres Goza. They will be studying passive control flow devices inspired by bird feathers. Two graduate students, Chengfang Duan and Ahmed Othman, are currently working on the project and more will be recruited in the future. Moreover, Prof. Wissa is a co-Principal with investigators Marianne Alleyne (assistant professor, School of Integrative Biology), Andrew Suarez (professor, School of Integrative Biology), and William Barley (assistant professor, Department of Communication) on a two-year grant awarded by NSF’s Biology Integration Institutes program. The focus of the study is to help develop teaching, research, and public engagement strategies. Both projects are currently recruiting students. Email: awissa@illinois.edu if interested. More details can be found here.